Home / News / New road safety rules come into effect in the ACT from 1 November

New road safety rules come into effect in the ACT from 1 November

From 1 November 2015 a trial of new road rules will commence to improve safety for cyclists on our roads.

Details regarding the new changes can be found in this brochure and this poster.

The two new rules in brief:

Minimum Overtaking Distance

  • When driving a car you must provide a minimum lateral distance of 1 metre when overtaking a cyclist in speed zones at or below 60km/h and 1.5 metres in speed zones above 60km/h.
  • The distance is measured from the right most part of the bicycle or rider to the leftmost part of the motor vehicle (or anything projecting at a height that could strike the bicycle or trailer eg. mirror).
  • To enable drivers to provide the minimum overtaking distances on narrow roads or roads with narrow lanes, motorists will be allowed to cross centre lines, straddle lane-lines and drive on painted islands, provided the driver has a clear view of any approaching traffic and that it is safe to do so.
  • Drivers who fail to comply with the rule may be issued a $236 fine and accrue two demerit points.


Riding across crossings

  • You are able to ride slowly (at no more than 10km/h) across signalised marked foot crossings, children’s crossings and pedestrian crossings. You must keep to the left of the crossing and give way to any pedestrians on the crossing.
  • You must slow to 10km/h on the approach to the crossing and check for any approaching traffic and be prepared to stop. This is to allow motorists to see and respond to you before you make the crossing.
  • You must keep to the left of the crossing and give way to any pedestrians on the crossing.
  • You may be issued a traffic infringement notice for failing to comply with the road rule, including failing to slow on the approach to the crossing and check for approaching traffic. The penalty for each of these offences is $118.
