Well, folks – it’s over! What a massive anticlimax. Who could have seen that coming? I am really disappointed we’ve missed out on our annual club champs, and half of the ACT Champs, but life is like the box of chocolates we can now afford to eat during our forced off season.
What a season, though! I don’t think there has ever been a season so interrupted by external circumstances. It was a source of immense frustration to have to agonise over decisions to cancel racing. By and large, the racing community have been great in supporting the decisions made, and I’d like to thank you for being so understanding. It was great to have some CA guidelines to help us narrow down acceptable and ‘safe’ conditions that allowed all of us to better understand the conditions of those less fortunate than us that live in more polluted cities around the world.
On a personal note, it was an exceptionally steep learning curve for me in taking on the role of crit coordinator. I was stoked to give something back to the club and have found the role exceptionally rewarding. I really liked getting to know a far broader section of the ACT cycling community and see
the fruits of effort every week on the crit track. I’d be keen to give it another crack given the opportunity in the future.
I would like to acknowledge the efforts of two people in particular: our treasurer Trish Ellis, who came along whenever possible to give her time on the rego desk, and Rae Rogers, who always stepped in and helped when things went pear shaped. I’d also like to thank the committee for their assistance and support, particularly while I was learning the ropes.
Finally, I’d like to publicly acknowledge the teams that volunteered to marshal the races – even teams that didn’t officially sign up (I’m looking at you, Olivers). The races could not have occurred without the effort you put in – on more than one occasion in some cases.
Rounding out my report on a personal note, I’d like to ask all riders to think about how races are run and the logistics required to enable racing. As with every organisation, we have some amazing people who are completely enthusiastic about the idea of volunteering and helping out. Over the past few years, this number has dwindled a bit, and the load has been taken on by the same small group that has started to get volunteer fatigue. Next year, I would consider looking further afield than just the registered teams to get individuals helping out. CCC and VCC have come up with a fantastic new volunteer incentive that will see vollies rewarded with race fee waivers based on the level of volunteering undertaken. I would encourage all active racing members to get onboard and help out in the winter or summer seasons to help us ensure that the high quality racing we all enjoy can continue (once stoopid corona virus has finally moved on).
And now for the results!
There was great racing across the grades, and some tight contests at the pointy end for grade champions. Congratulations go to the following grade winners and podiums.
Men (1 st , 2 nd , 3 rd )
- A Grade – Jay Vine, Brendan Johsnton, Ben Hill
- B Grade – Cam Rogers, John Forrest, Oscar Chamberlain
- C Grade – Rod Bates, Bailey Marshall, Stuart Griffiths
- D Grade – Robert Moore, James Jordan, Duncan Macdonald
- E Grade – Liam Shelley, Talon Cass-Dunbar, Simon Pollak
- A Grade – Bre Vine, Claudia Marcks, Jordyne Rauter
- B Grade – Lauren Bates, Maggie Welfare, Josie Pepper
- C Grade – Kim Pedersen, Rae Rogers, Isobel James
Junior white – Callum Maciver and Chloe Pragt on equal points. Angus Withington and Natasha Sitsky not far behind.
Thank you all very much for a great season and stay healthy and safe and wash those hands.