CCC Crits Cancelled – 11th Dec
It is with a fair amount of disappointment that we announce that Crit racing on the 11th December will be cancelled due to smoke haze and related health concerns. It was not an easy decision to make, but looking at the forecast for the next 24 hours, and needing to give people adequate notice, we needed to be decisive early. It is more than likely that air quality will be too poor to race on Wednesday afternoon.
At this stage, the forecast predicts winds coming from the east are likely to move smoke into the ACT from this evening through to at least midday tomorrow, with some northerly winds taking over in the early afternoon. From there, north westerly and westerly winds are predicted, but fairly late in the afternoon. There is nothing that suggests we can bank on the smoke being cleared by scheduled race start.
We apologise, but rider safety is paramount. As the ACT Government is strongly recommending limiting exposure to the air, and limiting heavy exercise, we have little choice but to act in order to protect the well being of our riders.
We look forward to seeing you all out at Carts Christmas Crits next week. Stay safe and well til then.
Steve Crispin – Crit coordinator.