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CCC Recovery Bunch Ride

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Date(s) - 18/09/2017
6:00 am - 7:00 am

Bike Shed

“The biggest mistake of most athletes is to make the easy days too hard” – Joe Friel, The Cyclists Training Bible.

Start: 6:00AM

Day: Monday

Start Location: Bicycle Centre Phillip, Hindmarsh Drive

Alternate starting points (approx. ETA): 6:05AM Carruthers St. bridge; 6:08AM Kent St. bridge; 6:15AM Lennox Gardens.

Route: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/17788261

Expected Avg. Speed: 28-29km/h (easy recovery pace for elite riders, achievable for novice / junior riders)

The CCC Recovery Bunch Ride is a slow, steady, controlled, flat, no-drop style of ride. For elite riders, this is a social group ride which is a guaranteed recovery workout.

Younger and novice riders can use the CCC Recovery Bunch Ride as an achievable stepping stone before starting some of the other (faster) bunch rides. You should start at the back of the group whilst gaining bunch skills. It’s a good idea to read our “Cycling Etiquette” page to get you started  <http://www.canberracyclingclub.org.au/training/cycling-etiquette/>. Occasionally during the ride, you may be given feedback on your riding by the club captain or experienced CCC riders, especially for things that affect the safety of the group. If the feedback is negative, it’s good to know that it’s not personal, but you do need to heed the advice for the safety of the group.

Waiting Points

The route doubles back on itself several times to accommodate for any dropped novice riders. Waiting Points: (1) Kingston Foreshore @ 11.3km (wait at Wentworth Ave. / Telopea Park / Eastlake Pde. intersection); (2) Narrabundah @ 17.7km (wait @ the U-turn road at the Narrabundah end of Captain Cook Cres.)