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Tidbinbilla – Graded scratch road race

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Date(s) - 07/09/2013
10:00 am - 1:00 pm

Tidbinbilla Tracking Station

Event: Tidbinbilla – Graded scratch road race
Event Date: Saturday, September 07, 2013 – 10:00:00 AM
Event Type: Scratch Race
Event Location: Tidbinbilla Tracking Station
Events State: ACT
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Outline: This race consists of groups of cyclists riding in bunches in a traditional road race format attempting to set the fastest time over a set course.Location: This course uses the roads between Tidbinbilla Tracking Station, the Point Hut intersection and Flints Reserve Crossing.Timing: Course set up will commence at 9:00am with racing to commence at 10.00am. Racing is expected to conclude at approx. 12.30pm and pack up completed by 1.00pm.Start/Finish The start and finish for this race is at Tidbinbilla Tracking Station, which is at the end of Discovery Drive.Riders proceed to Paddys River Road with riders then turning left onto Tidbinbilla Road and continuing to the turnaround just before the descent into the Point Hut intersection (approx. 1km from the intersection). Riders then head north to the turn at Flints Reserve Crossing (approx. 4.3kms north of the Discovery Drive intersection) before proceeding back along Paddys River Road and turning left into Discovery Drive and on to the Tracking Station. Riders will complete 1 or 2 laps depending on their grade. The loop is approximately 41.4 kms.Car Parking: Competitors will park at Tidbinbilla Tracking Station.tidbinbilla_2013


61 riders ventured out on a warm but windy Saturday morning. And John Warren, celebrating the arrival of a warm spring, was sporting a new pair of red tights.
The wind – although causing some small splits – was less of a challenge than the final climb back into the Tracking Station with MD the only grade to have a sprint to contest first place
The handicapper may be looking at a couple of 1st placed riders that put large gaps into their grades.
Thanks to the marshals Rod Gisik, Kevin Woods and Nathan Edwardson.  Kevin and Nathan stepped in at short notice as a number of marshals made themselves unavailable or failed to show. A reminder – if you don’t arrange for a marshal swap, you cannot race until you make good on your rostered turn.
As always, Peter Gough ensured the racing could happen by bringing out the equipment van, helping setup, packing up and returning the van to Stromlo
1 838 ANDERSON-SMITH, Betsy WA 62 31.7 1:57:14
1 729 HOITINK, Grace WC 36.5 28.6 1:16:35
2 801 HOITINK, Ellie WC 36.5 28.5 1:16:44
3 771 Rudgley, Ayla WC 36.5 28.5 1:16:52
4 743 BLEAKLEY, Emma WC 36.5 28.5 1:16:52
5 770 Norris, Haylee WC 36.5 28.4 1:17:09
6 781 Head, Melissa WC 36.5 27.4 1:19:51
7 796 AERTES, Hollie WC 36.5 26.8 1:21:39
8 760 KIRALY, Kobi WC 36.5 25.2 1:26:58
9 753 MIDDLETON, Eliza WC 36.5 24.6 1:29:07
10 1317 BALAZ, Michelle WC 36.5 21.7 1:40:42
1 832 Williams, Mrc MA 62 36.2 1:42:52
2 826 GREEN, Daniel MA 62 36.0 1:43:28
3 831 LOUTIT, Alastair MA 62 35.5 1:44:53
4 928 PEPPINCK, Brad MA 62 35.4 1:44:59
5 396 BOOTH, Nathan MA 62 35.4 1:45:11
6 821 RICE, Michael MA 62 35.0 1:46:09
7 931 PATON, Lachlan MA 62 33.2 1:51:55
1 909 CAMPBELL, Hayden MB 62 33.1 1:52:23
2 527 BREWSTER, Gordon MB 62 33.1 1:52:23
3 488 MURFETT, Anthony MB 62 33.1 1:52:30
4 775 VAKNIN, Aviel MB 62 33.0 1:52:47
5 562 MCNAMARA, Daniel MB 62 33.0 1:52:47
6 483 SNAIDERO, Andrew MB 62 30.6 2:01:36
DNF 1441 MOORBY, Samuel MB
1 782 Welch, Jordie MC 62 31.8 1:56:51
2 722 Aubrey, Paul MC 62 31.7 1:57:13
3 615 DUNSTALL, Matt MC 62 31.7 1:57:13
4 967 MURRAY, Oliver MC 62 31.7 1:57:13
5 1301 ROSSER, Michael MC 62 31.7 1:57:19
6 610 MCCOSKER, Andrew MC 62 31.7 1:57:28
7 1088 BELLERT, Maurice-Alain MC 62 31.7 1:57:28
8 933 FRANKCOM, Paul MC 62 31.6 1:57:36
9 534 BREARLEY, Dale MC 62 31.5 1:57:55
10 310 WELSH, James(Paul) MC 62 31.5 1:58:01
11 705 COSTELLO, Simon MC 62 31.4 1:58:28
12 993 SHEPHERD, Ewan MC 62 31.4 1:58:39
13 711 Lohse, Hardy MC 62 31.4 1:58:39
14 901 ROBINSON, Martin MC 62 31.4 1:58:39
15 514 SINGSON, Julian MC 62 31.1 1:59:36
16 991 FRADKIN, Jay MC 62 30.7 2:01:06
No Chute 795 DRAPE Jeremy MC
1 902 SCHOFIELD, Andrew MD 36.5 33.5 1:05:17
2 925 SMYTH, Trent MD 36.5 33.5 1:05:17
3 806 AUST, Timothy MD 36.5 33.5 1:05:27
4 769 Moorby, Glenn MD 36.5 33.3 1:05:44
5 788 Miles, Geoff MD 36.5 33.2 1:05:56
6 20 CHESTER, Tom MD 36.5 33.2 1:05:56
7 835 ROESLER, Stuart MD 36.5 33.2 1:06:00
8 837 PORTEOUS, Clinton MD 36.5 32.6 1:07:06
9 230 CHESTER, Heath MD 36.5 32.3 1:07:52
10 402 LEE, Lewis MD 36.5 31.7 1:09:06
11 791 STRATFORD, Simon MD 36.5 31.5 1:09:30
12 584 SAWADE, Mark MD 36.5 30.8 1:11:00
13 701 NIKOLETATOS, Peter MD 36.5 29.3 1:14:47
1 710 BENHAM, Corey ME 36.5 30.6 1:11:38
2 542 DAVIES, Timothy ME 36.5 28.6 1:16:30
3 324 WARREN, John ME 36.5 22.0 1:39:37
1 912 EDWARDSON, MacKenzie Junior 16 20.2 0:47:30
2 754 MURRAY, William Junior 16 17.5 0:54:47