As we roll onto another big season of CCC road racing we have a few announcements and reminders.
Firstly the club is offering CCC members who have a permanent race number a loyalty discount for the 2015 season. So long as you bring your number to the race you will pay only $10 to race (rather than $15 last season). All other riders will pay the usual $15. If you are a CCC member but don’t have a permanent race number please contact Peter Gough who will happily help you out.
Some other points to remember:
- Please arrive in plenty of time to register. Arriving at 15 or 20 minutes before the race starts is usually insufficient
- Your fellow riders will appreciate being able to start on time, as will the volunteers running the event.
- Please go through the chute regardless of your place or let us know if you are DNF
- The chute will be much further from the finish next week!
- Go through the chute slowly and call out your number clearly
- No chute will be recorded as DNF
- Please pin your numbers low on your back to the left side