Volunteers needed for detection of heart rate using video analysis study
During the study you will:
- Be provided with a personalised analysis of your cycling related fitness including
- blood lactate thresholds, maximal aerobic power and training zones to help you prescribe and monitor your training.
- Attend the UC Research Institute for Sport and Exercise laboratory for 3 sessions, for approximately 1 hour per session.
- Contribute to knowledge for the UC Research Institute for Sport and Exercise.
- Complete three ӗ40 minute incremental cycling sessions.
If you are interested in participating:
- ‣ You need to be an trained cyclist
- ‣ You must be over the age of 18 years
- ‣ You must be free of illness or injury
- ‣ You must not smoke or have a history of high blood pressure, cardiovascular or respiratory conditions
If you are interested in participating in this research or would like further information
please contact: Kathleen Miles , E: [email protected], P: 0439884720
Supervisors: Professor Kevin Thompson, Dr Brad Clark