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Volunteer Shout Out – Ian Hutchings

Time to share some more volunteer love. This week we’d like to recognize Ian Hutchings for his contribution to the club. Ian regularly and significantly gives his time to help make your club great. He always does so with a smile, patience, and a great sense of perspective.

Ian is the keen eye behind the lens that you have spotted out on the course taking the terrific photos that he shares (for free!) each week to our socials. He’s there from start to finish and his photos have really helped add a whole new dimension to our racing, creating a great way to share and relive the experience after each race. On top of that Ian prepares the coveted white and blue prize money envelopes that our place-getters receive at crits. Ian is a regular at CCC committee meetings and helps behind the scenes to keep our club running.

Ian – we’re lucky to have you and thank you for everything that you do.