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Volunteer Shoutout – David Kallir Preece

Today we’re sharing our gratitude for committee member, long standing club member, race day regular, and commissaire extraordinaire David Kallir Preece.  David is a regular at our club races and fills many roles. He is Super Directeur Sportif when his ...

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2024 Road Race Calendar

For 2024 Canberra Cycling Club and the Vikings Cycling Club will again run a combined road race calendar. The calendar is supported by our generous sponsor Alivio Tourist Park and consists of 15 events, including road races, a time trials, ...

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The Best Membership in Australia?

We think so. Did you know that from your annual membership fee the Canberra Cycling Club receives $25? We use that to organize our events, support our juniors, and keep the club ticking over. The rest goes to AusCycling to ...

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Volunteer Shout Out – Brad Peppinck

It’s time for the next installment in our ongoing series of volunteer shoutouts. This week we’re sending out a massive attaboy to Canberra Cycling Club member Brad Peppinck. Since returning to Australia from a lengthy overseas posting, the Peppinck family ...

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